Jim Kwik Book Recommendations

Jim Kwik book recommendations

Here we will look at the best Jim Kwik book recommendations.

Jim Kwik is many things. He is a brain coach, self-help coach, podcaster, writer, and entrepreneur. He founded Kwik Learning, published a book called Limitless, and hosts the Kwik Brain podcast.

Jim Kwik is quite the reader. He is known for being able to speed read at an incredible pace, while retaining the knowledge that he’s learned. He even has a course that is aimed at teaching anyone how to speed read with comprehension.

After looking at all of Jim Kwik’s book recommendations, it’s clear that he has a love for self-help books, especially dealing with helping people achieve their dreams and become better people.

List of Jim Kwik Book Recommendations

Quiet by Susan Cain

Quiet by Susan Cain

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking was written by Susan Cain. This book is 368 pages long, and was published in 2013.

This was the shortest of Jim Kwik’s book recommendations. He said, “Love Susan and her book.” Short, sweet, and right to the point.

As you probably have guessed by the title, Quiet is all about the power of introverts. You probably know several because one-third of all people are introverts.

Introverts are people who would rather listen than talk. Many people confuse introverts with shy people, but that is not always true. They would just much rather focus on their inner thoughts than spend time in crowds of people.

Quiet shows us just how much we underestimate introverts in our society. These are the people who innovate, but might not like to self promote. They are the lone wolves, who might not like to work in teams, but can do the work of a team by themselves.

People often gravitate towards extroverts, since they may seem more friendly or approachable, but we may be losing out on the valuable insight of introverts.

If you are an introvert, Quiet is definitely the book for you. You will learn how to tap into the power of introversion.

There are many famous introverts such as Rosa Parks, Steve Wozniak, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, J.K. Rowling, and Warren Buffet.

Fun fact: This book was recommended by Emma Watson, another well known introvert!

Set Your Voice Free by Roger Love

Set Your Voice Free by Roger Love

Set Your Voice Free: How to Get the Singing or Speaking Voice You Want is a book written by Roger Love. He published it in 2016, and the book is 320.

When Jim Kwik recommended the book, Set Your Voice Free, he stated, “Highly recommended you get your copy of Roger Love’s new book, and discover how to use your voice with ease and confidence in front of any audience!”

People underestimate how much speaking influences our lives. Confidence in our speaking ability can make or break the chances in our life. For example, our speaking ability can be what lands us a second date, or it can be what gets us a promotion after a great presentation.

If you are an entrepreneur, speaking is a vital skill to have, especially in this day and age where marketing yourself is everything. If you can’t curate tweets, or make a good YouTube video, you probably aren’t going to get very far in your business.

Speaking is necessary for success. That’s exactly what Set Your Voice Free aims to teach you. The techniques outlined in this book will increase your confidence and speaking ability to bring emotion to your readers and hook them in.

If you are someone who struggles with what to say, Set Your Voice Free is just what you need.

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J Schwartz

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J Schwartz

The Magic of Thinking Big was written by David J Schwartz. The first version of this book was published back in 1987, but the lessons in the book still hold strong to this day. It’s a short read at 238 pages.

Jim Kwik once said about The Magic of Thinking Big, “With this book you will learn how changing the way you think can become a blueprint for great success.”

The Magic of Thinking Big is all about teaching you how to set goals and actually stay on track to achieve them. It’s all about how to achieve those financial goals, or goals of influence, getting on track, and ultimately having a rewarding, healthy, happy life.

The book presents a program that Dr. David Schwartz has designed in order to help anyone achieve their goals, no matter what they are. He wants you to get the most out of every aspect of your life. Anyone can do this, you just have to know how.

If you read this book, you will learn how to get over your fear of failure, how to think more creatively, improve your attitude and perception of life, how to think positively, how to get over mistakes and failure, how to think like a leader, and much more.

The Magic of Thinking Big has been used by millions around the world to improve their lives beyond what they thought was possible.

Bluefishing by Steve Sims

Bluefishing by Steve Sims

Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen was written by Steve Sims. This book was published in 2017, and has 224 pages.

When Jim Kwik recommended the book, he said, “As the founder of luxury concierge company Bluefish, Steve Sims has helped his clients fulfill some of their wildest dreams, like getting married in the Vatican. In this book, he reveals exactly how he does that, and it all starts with one thing, your relationship.”

Bluefish is a company that can make almost anything happen. It’s a company that the rich use to throw once in a lifetime events. In Bluefish, Steve Sims teaches us the secrets he uses to make all of this happen, as well as how he built the company from the ground up.

Steve Sims is all about how to make people’s wildest dreams come true. Like Jim Kwik said, he’s gotten people married at the Vatican, but he’s done much more like gotten people in touch with Elon Musk, or a special serenade from Andrea Bocelli.

Bluefish is all about using simple, easy to implement ideas to help make the impossible possible. With the skills learned in this book Steve Sims promises that you can achieve even your wildest dreams. 

A few tips that you will learn in Bluefish are: why asking “why” three times will lead you to places you never thought possible, why you need to have people chasing you instead of you chasing them, and how to be impossible to be misunderstood. That’s just a taste of this Jim Kwik book recommendation.

Want to climb Mount Everest, or launch a wild business idea? Then Bluefish is the book for you.

The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self by Nick Ortner

The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self by Nick Ortner

The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self: 21 Days to Releasing Self-Doubt, Cultivating Inner Peace, and Creating a Life You Love by Nick Ortner was published in 2017, and is 360 pages long.

Jim Kwik recommended this book saying, “Tapping at yourself seems crazy at first. but this relaxation technique has done wonders for my own anxiety around public speaking. In this book, tapping pioneer Nick Ortner guides you through a 21-day program designed to help you heal your trauma and live at your highest potential.”

The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self is an interesting book aimed at helping you make your life work the way you want it to. Many people have anxiety around the things that would take them out of their comfort zone and give them this life they dream of.

In The Tapping Solution, Nick Ortner takes you through a 21 day program of self improvement that will help with the anxiety around certain parts of life. The program consists of various methods of “Tapping”, which you may know as Emotional Freedom Technique. 

Each day there is a new challenge and new goal to complete. Although the program is supposed to be completed in 21 days, Nick Ortner wants you to complete the program at your own pace, and maybe spend a couple days on each technique to really get it down instead of blasting right through everything.

He takes the wisdom of people from Dr. Suess, Aristotle, and even his own life to help you improve your own life.

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way was written by Brendon Burchard, published in 2017, and is 400 pages long.

Jim Kwik talked about High Performance Habits, sharing his thoughts, “Brendon Burchard is coach to some of the highest-achieving people on the planet. In this book, he doesn’t just distill their success into 6 habits they all follow, he also explains why they work and how to implement them.”

High Performance Habits is another self help book based around successfully forming the habits that will make your life better. In this book you will learn 6 habits that will help you succeed in life. These six habits are based on surveys and research from some of the world’s most successful people.

The six habits that will help make you a more successful person in life are seeking clarity, generating energy, raising necessity, increasing your productivity, having courage, and being influential. This book will teach you the science behind developing each of these habits.

Brendon Burchard is one of the highest paid performance coaches and has been studying habits and how to form them for many years. If you are going to read a book about habits, a book from Brendon is the way to go.

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life by Daniel G. Amen 

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life by Daniel G. Amen

Officially known as Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Lack of Focus, Anger, and Memory Problems by Daniel G. Amen, this book was published in 2015, and contains 480 pages.

When Jim Kwik recommended the book, he said, “Dr. Daniel Amen is one of the leading brain health experts out there, and in this book, you will see why. Learn all about how the structure of your brain can affect your behavior, plus simple habits you can use to improve your brain health and your life.”

If you can’t tell by the title of this book, its goal is to teach you how to get over your anxiety, depression, and anything else that is getting in the way of living your perfect life. 

Daniel Amen is a renowned neuropsychiatrist, who is using his many years in the field, as well as over 100,000 brain scans, to show you scientifically proven ways to beat anxiety and depression. He teaches us exactly what is going on in the brain during these moments, and exactly what we can do to get this figured out.

In Change Your Brain, Change Your Life you will learn how to control your anxiety and panic attacks with proven breathing techniques, how to fight your depression by fighting automatic negative thoughts, how to control anger through your diet, how to increase your memory, how to get rid of impulsiveness, how to focus better, and how to stop worrying obsessively.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

The last Jim Kwik book recommendation is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey. The book was published in 1989, and has 384 pages.

Many people love this book, including Jim Kwik. He said, “This personal development classic is a classic for a reason, read around the world by those who want to transform both their personal and professional lives. If you only implement one of these habits, I recommend #7.”

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is one of the most popular self-help books on the planet. Like many of the other books that Jim Kwik has recommended, the goal is to help you become a better person by developing certain positive habits.

The book takes a different approach than many others. Using studies, Stephen Covey presents a way for us to solve our problems before they can even become problems. When we just let problems bubble up, we become stressed, making life more difficult than it needs to be. The book is about bringing balance to your life.

Without spoiling too much, the seven habits of highly effective people are be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand, then to be understood, synergize, and Jim Kwik’s favorite – sharpen the saw.

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